Goings on…

10 09 2009

Whew!  The last few weeks have been busy busy.  I have been making a ton of wood block prints today for, Hungry Eyeball’s table at Crafty Wonderland this weekend, and for a new artist geared retail shop in North Portland.  They are turning out really neat, and I will have photos up soon.  The weather here has been amazing all weekend and into this week, (cannot believe it is Wed. already!)

Some upcoming art things include, but are definetly not limited to:

Live Paintings for the month of September:

9/12/09- Belmont Street fair with Portland City Art

9/18/09- MFNW day party at Voodoo Donuts II w/ Greyday Records: Southerly, Grey Anne, Heligoats/ Portland City Art

9/30/09- Holocene with Rai Villenueva

Hanging type shows:

Cricket Cafe (Belmont)

Art Institute of Portland door auction

I am there for I think 3 @ the Goodfoot


Invasion (SW 4th and Stark)

Gilligan O’Malley’s (SE 65th and Stark)

Portland Free Store(SE 11th and Clay)

more TBA

Hope to see some of you out and about! xo

hmmmm…portland weather.

6 09 2009

Although it is not quite fall, there is a certain crispness to the air,
that has not been around for quite sometime. It is indeed harkening
on the season of hiding out and working on art projects, making
soup and comfort food, and occasionaly lighting a fire in the
fireplace. While the winters here can seem to drag on forever,
and the rain and wind gets tiresome; it is always nice to see
it’s blustery filtered sunshine return. You are a grand place
Portland, let it rain.