2k9 vs. 2k10

31 12 2009

Well hell kids! Here we are at the end of 2k9, the end of the naughts, ect. It has been an incredibly trans formative decade. When I think of what things were all about ten years, I can’t help but take a moment just for myself and weight and glory of it all. Ten years ago, my son was a year old, I was seventeen years old, and had no idea what was going to happen with anything. I was scared, challenged, unsure, but excited. I knew that all I wanted to was be a good mom, and try to be a good artist. Raising Cody has been the single most amazing experience of my life. He is such a great person. I know that all parents think that their child is the best and most interesting thing on the planet, so I won’t go on and on about it. That being said, Cody Nelson Wirz is an inspiration, a certifiable bad ass, and I cannot picture a life with out him. Each day with him makes all of those difficult times seem weightless.

We have been living in Portland for four years, and it has all been so great. Krist and I found a wonderful home with each other and for our careers. His hard work, perseverance, tenacity, and belief in himself and his music seem to be paying off. Things seem so ripe and alive with possibility and wonder, I feel completly blessed.

Hope all of you have a fantastic New Years, please take the bus, walk, do taxi! No cars tonight!

Christmas time.

25 12 2009

It’s been a busy weird week.  Cody left for California, then Arizona for his holiday grandparents visit.  Krist left later that evening for Wisconsin.  Then Beeky left for Wisconsin a few days later.

Sooo…me and the kitty are holding down the fort.  Scary quiet in the house, but taking these few days of alone to work a bunch and get things organized for 2010.  It was a beautiful day out, and I really enjoyed just being outside, mobbin all over Portland putting up flyers and watching people rush around getting the last of their holiday together.  Honestly, it was nice just watching, not having to worry about keeping guests happy, doing dishes, forgetting something and having to run to the store, ect.  It was just me and my bike, and the crisp sunny beauty of my city.  Have a wonderful holiday everyone! xoxoxo


p.s. a ton of new shows and printed things in January!

One last thing…i’m in love!

15 12 2009

Written, designed, and directed by Alex Pardee.  Hahahah! Love it!

Nice things.

15 12 2009

As of this last weekend things are busy but not quite as busy.  The Big 100 went amazing, I wasn’t able to go to the opening, but have heard that it was ridiculous, something like 1100 pieces of art sold that night.  Which is, well obscene!  Congrats and thank you to Chris and John for having me.  Happy Chanukah boys! Although it was a bummer to miss the Big 100, Jay Ryan’s show at  The Goodfoot was fantastic!  The artists were a bit late due to weather, but the poster art film coupled with the poster art show, and just general badassery of the event, was awesome.


The p:ear benefit was a lot of fun.  I got to hang out with some of my favorite artists, to try to raise money for my favorite Portland do gooders.  If you are unfamiliar with p:ear, they are center dedicated to mentoring creative homeless youth.  Beautiful space, beautiful gallery, great music, lovely art work.  Like:

Anna: http://annatodaro.com/home.html

Kirsten: http://www.piperewan.com/

Brent: http://www.brentwear.com/

Learn more about p:ear :


Had fun turning the living room into a little gallery for Miss Karen on Friday, she is a delight and her shop Salty Teacup in St. John’s is fabulous!

xo heidi

Studio Visit.

11 12 2009

Oh boy! I have a collector on their way over to the studio right now..its all set up, and now I’m waiting. I hate waiting..not because I really mind it when folks are late, but because I’m a nervous person anyhow…so in the mean time. Here are some fun things to watch..

Big 100, p:ear benifit, big bad busy weekend!

10 12 2009

Friday December 11th will be the 2nd annual Big 100 Show.  It’s like this 100 artists did 20 pieces for this monster.  The line up of artists is enough to make any collector’s wallet open and eyes water! Every piece in the show is going for $30!  $30, and $10 of it goes to the Oregon Food Bank!   Come by if you are ready for a bad ass time.  It will be at the Olympic Mills Commerce Building here in lovely SE Portland.  For more details and the full line up, check : http://portlandcityart.org/2009/10/12/big-100-art-show/

On Saturday and Sunday I will be downtown at the p:ear Gallery for their annual Art Sale/Swap and benifit.  15 % of artist’s sales go directly to p:ear.  They do amazing work mentoring creative homeless youth.  The have a very special place in my heart so come by and support.

Crafty Wonderland is also holding their monster amazing sale this weekend.  A bunch of my favorite people will be down there selling thier hand mades.  Hungry Eyeball will be down there selling a bunch of fantastic art from local artists, and will have some of my work as well as: Jason Graham, APAK, Bwanna Spoons, Justin “Scrappers” Morrison, and a ton of other awesome folks.  Hit them up.

So yeah, if you are in Portland, and by the end of the weekend don’t have your holiday shopping done, you’ve missed.  xooxox Heidi

Sorry Lady Gaga

10 12 2009

You will always be second best. Miss Emily Haines is the only super hot blonde bad ass the world needs…or maybe that’s just my opinion! You be the judge

In the last video, she speaks about being scared, and needing to relocate to find herself. I cannot tell you how much I can relate. xo Heidi

Spraygraphic’s Vinyl Show!!

8 12 2009


I had a few pieces in this show, and it looks awesome. One of those times you wish you could fly all over the country to your shows. Instead, just gotta send the little guys out their like bad ass little ambassadors! Also had a show in Denver this month at Lux DeVile…I could have been a snow bunny!

Oh, that’s right, you are just an asshole.

4 12 2009

One of my favorite things about Portland, OR is that the art community here, is just that, a community. The amount of pretentious gallery people/artists is not as great here as it is in other cities that I have lived in. Everyone really comes together and celebrate each other’s achievements, works on collaborations, and even though we are all in it to forward our own careers, it’s not as catty as other places. Portland is really special in that way, and I love our city for it. I had an encounter with a curator, that was so uncharacteristically Portland, last night, that I almost couldn’t believe it happened. First off, let me say, that I don’t expect everyone in the world to like my work, or want to hang it, or buy it. It’s not for everyone, but a lot of work goes into what I do. And, I suppose it is good for us all to get that reality check every now and then, so that we don’t get to big for our britches, a my grandmother would say.

So, what do we do as artists when someone comes out very strongly against what you do, not just for a living, but what you do to keep living? Well, even when you feel like firebombing the gallery, with said curator inside, we all know that it has been a long time since a prison had a great art show. And even though you feel like broadcasting across all of your: blogs, twitters, myspaces, and email lists, how horribly insulting that person is, name names and try your best to destroy their reputation; that is only damaging to your own reputation. My advise, or at least what I am doing in this situation, is: vent for a little while, but don’t dwell, because then you are allowing them to further waste your time. Have a nice strong whiskey, and then, just keep going. Let their ignorant actions and words be the fuel to your fire. Know that if a curator has no idea what to do with your art, then it’s probably a good thing. Keep fighting the good fight, and out last the bastards. xo Heidi